ready-improve2022 The Sadie Family Wines 'T Voetpad' Ouwingerdreeks, Old Vines Series

Product: HK906B
  • Ready, but will improve


 This 2022 ‘T Voetpad is incredibly expressive, and the usual waxy and lanolin aromatics are to be found, but the cordial limey aromatics, dried straw bales, and a dash of melon are concentrated aspects. The palate has a lingering aftertaste, is incredibly restrained, and the wine is light on its feet. The tannins are restrained, and the acidity is very soft on the f inish. It is one of this vineyard’s most elegant and refined versions. We also had to pick slightly earlier due to the looming heat waves. The wine is just a Mindbender this year.

Bottle Price 75 cl $548