laying-down2014 Echo de Lynch Bages, Pauillac

Product: 2014-0750-00-8004820
  • For laying down


One of my favourite Echo de Lynch Bages for many years, this wine is now very much the baby brother of the Grand Vin itself. Twenty-seven percent of the harvest was used to create the wine this year. Well proportioned, fresh, energetic and cooling, it is ripe and opulent in 2014. Soft, succulent, moreish and brimming with dark damson fruit, this is wonderfully quaffable. It is a fine introduction to the wines of the great Ch. Lynch Bages estate and really well proportioned.

{color}Red{color}                                                                                                {maturity}laying-down{maturity} {maturity-text}For laying down{maturity-text}
Bottle Price 75 cl $315