ready-improve2022 The Sadie Family Wines Kokerboom, Ouwingerdreeks, Old Vines Series

Product: HK910B
  • Ready, but will improve


In many respects, this 2022 Kokerboom displays the typical waxy, lanolin, and almost wet wool characters often associated with Semillon. The most astounding aspect is that this vineyard had only 180mm of rain this year, and this drought and hydric stress forced us to pick the vineyard much earlier than ever before. Yet very few green flavours are present, and most aromatics are the classic Semillon flavours, with maybe a granadilla passionfruit aromatics being a new dimension. The tannins, acidity, overall texture and volume in the wine are incredible, and we are in awe of the power of this terroir. The compact tannins and acidity take this wine to infinity and beyond… We produced very little, so please share with friends.

Bottle Price 75 cl $378