2009 Warre's, Port

2009 Warre's, Port

Product: 82754B

Product: 82754B
  • Ready - youthful


Warre's, the oldest British port house, is commemorating the bicentenary of the liberation Oporto by the Anglo-Portuguese army with 500 cases of their 2009 vintage port. Each bottle is numbered and a donation of veteran charities will be made for every case sold. It's a crime to drink this elegant and splendid wine now, because it can live for 20 years with ease. But it tastes incredible already, so I won't tell anyone if you are tempted to crack it open before then.
A selection of the best wines and hampers, Money Week, 9 December 2011 Of the famous Symington triptych ( the others being Dow and Graham) only Warre has declared in 2009, and only in strictly limited volumes, reflecting both the inherent low yielding nature of the fruit and the extensive selection that has informed all stages of its gestation.

Made to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Duke of Wellington’s liberation of Oporto, a dramatic adventure in which a certain William Warre played a prominent part, there will be a generous donation from every bottle sold made to the Help The Heroes Charity.

Sourced principally from the cooler and higher vineyards at Cavadinha, Retiro and Telhada, this is a wonderfully elegant, aromatic Warre, possibly less dense of structure than some, but making up for that by the beauty and integrity of its architectural design. A velvety palate and a rich peppery finish underline this wine’s pedigree.

Bottle Price 75cl $405
1 available